Saturday 10 May 2014

All roads lead to Ecône

Recently, one of our Canons at the Cathedral of Antwerp wrote a letter to a seminarian from Ecône, enquiring about the nature of their seminary and the formation that they receive. Much to our surprise, the seminarian from Ecône refused to reply to the canon in the language of the Church but preferred to write in Romanz. After a laborious work of translation, the message that we received is that they are part of a society of common life which isn't even recognised under the 1983 Code of Canon Law. They needn't worry because they aren't recognised under our 1150 Decretum Gratiani either! But they claim to wage war against the Second Vatican Council. What does that mean for us? Should we be spiritually close to them as they oppose the reforms brought through that 20th century Council which has lead to an even greater loss of faith than before? Well, their battle, as noble as it may be, is only partial and therefore bound to not be ultimately a fruitful work for the vineyard of the Lord. Much of their seminary seems to operate in a manner similar to Antwerp Cathedral but instead of having canons permanent there, to resist the allurements of the Newchurch, they rather send their poor priests on their own into the wilderness. They are neither mendicants nor monks because they end up living as canons would but without a cathedral. They are I'm afraid part of the Brave New Church. As admirable as their resistance to the innovations of the Second Vatican Council are, they are still centuries already steeped in and entrenched in the devastating reforms of the Council of Vienne, which we have already seen are not to be followed by any Catholic in good conscience.
We follow the Popes and their reforms they agree with Tradition and above all with the former age, the age spoken by the prophet Isaias and which was lived in the entire world in the Middle Ages. The time where temporal powers reigned in harmony and in union with spiritual powers. When the Pope and Emperor were allies, when the Bishop and King were promoters and defenders of the Social Reign of Our Lord Jesus Christ. As much as we hear rumors of people now saying that all roads lead to Ecône, we most certainly differ. If your battle is not against the true enemy, you will sooner or later succumb to him. I am afraid that seems to be the case with the partial battle waged by this Society.

Thursday 8 May 2014

I accuse the Council!

Recently, a woman of good repute, who shall remain nameless has sent a question asking the Canons of Antwerp Cathedral about the Council and what we should think of it. It suffices to say that the Council of Vienne is dangerous for several reasons and cannot be followed by Catholics in all of its points. If we wish to preserve the Medieval Faith, the former age, we certainly must be wary of the Conciliar innovations which have poisoned the minds of men leading to a great apostasy and a spirit of materialism.
What are Catholics to make of the Council of Vienne?
The general principle to judge what points of the Council are in agreement with Sacred Tradition and which are not is to judge them according to the former age, the age which is so keenly spoken of in the Scriptures and which is highly expressed in the Medieval Faith.
Dear faithful in Christ, it must be said that whenever one things or speaks of a Holy and Ecumenical Council of the Catholic Faith, one imagines that it will promote and talk of the greatness and splendours of Our Lord Jesus Christ, define a dogma, defend the Faith against heresies or promote an inquisition or crusade against the enemies of the Church. What does the Council of Vienne concern itself with?
One entire Chapter is exclusively concerned with what Black monks ought to wear and precisely how ornate it has to be. There is no mention of pious fervour, nor mention of the path to holiness that these monks are called to live, but only human reforms concerning the buttons on their habit and the material of their boots! This is a council that is more concerned with irrelevant temporal matters than the spiritual. Look at the words of the Apostle Paul who tells us: "For in this also we groan, desiring to be clothed upon with our habitation that is from heaven." (2 Cor. 5:2). Why do the Conciliar men therefore worry more about the material used in the habits of monks and friars than with whether or not the True Faith is being lived? The consequences and aftermath as we have seen is that men now are more concerned with making the right use of the materials that they have for their habits than of being clothed in the Faith and bathed in Grace.
Now, does that mean that we altogether reject the Council and all of the reforms that have followed from it? Of course such a spirit would lead to the inevitable belief that the Pope as Vicar of Christ on Earth has no authority over the Church or that the promises of Our Lord were in vain regarding the Gates of Hell. We fully hope to implement the reforms of the Council concerning the heretical and nefarious Saracens, who publicly show their worship for Mahomet in Christian lands. Such practices as we are reminded by the Council, are displeasing the Divine Majesty.
We should all therefore be wary and cautious of some of the innovations brought forth by the Council. As we have seen, most of these innovations have led men to worry more about temporal things than of the spiritual realm. The consequence of this over-concern with the temporal matters has lead to an increase of materialism and a loss of faith, piety and fervour among the people of God. From Saxony to the Two Sicillies, men no longer live the faith, practice the virtues but rather return to the barbarism of their ancestors. We reject that which is not Catholic and keep and maintain that which is in accordance with the former age, the Middle Ages.

Friday 2 May 2014

Who we are

Many of you, are readers who are concerned about matters around you, spiritual and temporal. The Church that Christ founded has been robbed of Her dignity by men in the Church ever since the innovations of the Council of Vienne. We have seen a general apostasy in the Faith. Men all the way from Saxony to the Two Sicillies seem to be loosing their religious fervour. The clergy have become gravely immoral, the sacred ministers have started to defile their holy offices. The Council speaks of reforming the clergy and we have seen the fruits. By their fruits you shall know them (Matt. 7:16). We have seen the rotten fruits of the Council. The conciliar religion must be battled and we are here to defend the True Faith from the conciliar novelties. If the men of the Council do not convert, the faith will be in great danger. The only person who can solve this crises is the His Holiness, the Vicar of Christ. If he insists in the conciliar novelties, more men will lose the faith and souls will be damned forever. These poor souls are in the responsibility of these men of the Newchurch.
We here declare that the ultimate leader of the True Faith is Jesus Christ Himself, and profess, along with the Apostle Paul, that: it was fitting that we should have such a high priest, holy, innocent, undefiled, separated from sinners, and made higher than the heavens; (Heb. 7:26) Christ is the Head of the Church and no Pope, nor any Council can ever depose the authority and the Tradition that comes from Christ. The apostasy comes from an uncrowning of Our Lord, from a dethroning of His Majesty and replacing the True religion with the abomination of the desolation spoken of several times in the sacred scriptures. We are also reminded in the Old Testament by the prophet: Remember the former age, for I am God, and there is no God beside, neither is there the like to me; (Isa. 46:9). This former age was the age of Faith. Where men and women held the belief in the One True God and accepted the One True Faith. Where spiritual matters reigned in perfect harmony with temporal matters. Where the law of the land respected the natural and the divine law. Men today seem to be falling into barbarism due to their pursuit of vain pleasures and worldliness and godlessness.
This blog is here to combat all of the evils that our society embraces because of its rejection of the former age. What age is this? It is of course the Middle-Ages! Medieval Catholicism is pristine in its practice, liturgy and Faith because it has been unhampered by the innovations of the Council. We hope this work in this corner of the internet will help people re-discover the former age, the Medieval Faith. We ask especially the intercession of Our Lady, the Sorrowful Mother who looks at the state of the Church and whose heart is pierced by so much unbelief.